寶可夢Pokemon GO閃退有解!官方推出更新解決iPhone6閃退問題

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根據Pokemon GO官方公告,剛剛 App 推出 iOS 1.39.1 以及安卓 0.69.1 的更新,這次的更新相當有感,重點除了黃隊隊長歸隊以外,就是修正了 iPhone 6 會閃退的問題。官方公告如下:

  • 黃隊隊長重新歸隊!
  • 解決了道館中 CP 大於 3000 的寶可夢,幹勁下降過快的問題。
  • 解決補血太快時導致遊戲卡住的問題。
  • 解決頭目戰時,六隻寶可夢死掉遊戲卡住的問題。
  • 解決 iPhone 6 遊戲閃退的問題



Pokémon GO is in the process of being updated to version 0.69.1 for Android and 1.39.1 for iOS devices. Below are some release notes and comments from our development team.

  • Spark has returned to appraise Pokémon for Team Instinct Trainers.
  • Resolved a motivation decay bug impacting Pokémon with less than 3000 CP.
  • Resolved a bug causing Pokémon GO to freeze after consuming potions too quickly.
  • Resolved a bug causing Pokémon GO to freeze after all 6 Pokémon faint during a Raid Battle.
  • Resolved an issue causing iPhone 6 devices to crash.

除了這次的更新外,大家最在意的應該還是 8/1 即將推出的火焰鳥活動吧!關於神獸活動時間、打法攻略,請參考:Pokemon GO洛奇亞、急凍鳥、火焰鳥、閃電鳥捕捉機率分析文章。