近日諸多討論的國產恐怖遊戲《還願》從 Steam 下架!有網友發現,在《還願》的 Steam 頁面中已經看不到遊戲,僅剩下原聲帶;從發行商赤燭遊戲於今天早上 6 點的聲明來看,這次的下架為赤燭主動下架,聲明全文如下:
Due to technical issues that cause unexpected crashes and among other reasons, we are pulling <Devotion> off from steam store to have another complete QA check. At the same time we’d like to take this opportunity to ease the heightened pressure in our community resulted from our previous Art Material Incident, our team would also review our game material once again making sure no other unintended materials was inserted in. Hopefully this would help all audience to focus on the game itself again upon its return.
由於最近還願遊戲爭議眾多,最早由網友發現在遊戲中隱藏了「習近平」、「小熊維尼」等彩蛋,引爆爭議後單日銷量據傳爆增 80 萬套、負評增加上千則,但赤燭也隨即發表聲明澄清銷量並不如外界那般高估。
昨日陳其邁也於 Facebook 上直播還願遊戲實況,今早遊戲於 Steam 下架後引起許多網友討論;赤燭發表的聲明則指出,這次的下架僅是進行軟體品質檢測,「也希望各方可以利用這段時間從素材誤植風波中冷靜下來」,在聲明中也表示還願之後還會再上架 Steam。